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When you’re backpacking, water is the number one necessity. Water is also incredibly heavy, so you don’t want to – and simply won’t be able to – carry all the water you need for a trip on your back. That’s where backpacking water filters come in. They provide clean water anywhere you find a water source. But with all the different types, how do you choose the backpacking water filter that’s right for you? Here at The Adventure Junkies, we have sifted through an assortment of water filters to provide you with clarity in water and in your choice of the best backpacking water filter.

See the full list from Kate Sedrowski on The Adventure Junkies' website here.


December 3, 2023

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The Adventure Junkies

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We believe when you step out into the wild places of the world, you don’t come back the same person. Experiences in nature inspire a lifelong connection with our planet and the creatures we share it with.

Simply put, we do what we do because we believe the world needs more adventure junkies.

An adventure junkie is much more than someone who's addicted to adventure.

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