Our Verdict
An unrivaled price-to-weight ratio in our extensive review, the Sawyer Mini takes the cake for our Best Buy award. It's inexpensive, lightweight, and small, making it the optimal option for backpacking - even if you aren't on a budget. Weighing only 1.4 ounces for the filter and costing a mere $25, you'll get a filter that Sawyer claims will last for 100,000 gallons. The similar and popular LifeStraw weighs a bit more, is four inches longer, and is less versatile than the Mini, but it does cost $5 less. We find the Mini to be the best filter for personal use in the backcountry.

Review by:
Jessica Haist
Review Editor

Click here to read the full comparison on OutdoorGearLab.com.  


October 24, 2024

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