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Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

Whether you’re hanging out in the backyard, taking off on an adventure, or simply going to work, we’ve gathered 3 of the best options for protecting yourself against those pesky insects. With varying application methods, ingredients, and durations of coverage, there are a number of reliable mosquito repellents to consider. To find your new go-to insect repellent, take a look at how these three solid selections measure up against each other.

Article by Gregory Serrano on Backpacker Magazine's website.


December 3, 2023

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At BACKPACKER, we inspire and enable people to enjoy the outdoors by providing the most trusted and engaging information about backcountry adventure in North America.

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We understand and respond in a timely fashion to the product and service needs of our consumers.

We take a leadership role in educating and partnering with others who share our interests and values.

We support programs, policies, and behavior that encourages protection of our current wilderness areas and well-considered designation of new ones.

We are committed to display the highest quality of compelling photographs and inspiring stories.

We provide our industry with superior service, resources, and audiences. </p>

We promote sustainable, low-impact use of wilderness.

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Safe for use on the whole family, Sawyer's long-lasting insect and tick repellent lotion deters a wide variety of pests — up to 14 hours against mosquitoes and ticks and up to eight hours against flies, gnats and chiggers.

Kamron Sanders

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For clothing and gear (but not skin), Sawyer Products’s permethrin repellent is as effective as similar formulas at repelling ticks and mosquitoes, and its trigger spray is easier to control.

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Sawyer Squeeze - A pretty common choice for the trail. I have tried it out and I’m very impressed! It is lightweight, easy to use, and compatible with so many peripherals. I will carry some Aquatabs for a backup purification option but I hope to never touch them.
