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Colorado Trail Gear List – Big 3 Changes! Average Hiker

Updated Gear List for the Colorado Trail

My gear list is updated for a Colorado Trail Thru-hike in August. The Big Three include Zpack and Katabatic changes- all quality cottage gear manufacturers.

Reviews for all of my current gear continue to be written, and where you see a link, you will find a review for that item. I’ve also included a DOWNLOAD button at the end of this article so you can download the gear spreadsheet if interested in individual weight specifics.

My final weight without food and water is approximately 13.3 pounds. As usual I’m not the lightest or the heaviest, but about average.

As always, all comments and questions are welcome in the comment section at the end of the post.

What Exactly is “Light” Anyway?

Light, ultra-light, traditional – these backpacking categories are a topic of much debate, and with the changes in gear over the last few years I imagine the categories will continue to be debated and adjusted. A few definitions include the following…

  • Base Weight – Your pack weight minus consumables and the clothes you wear. I also don’t include my hiking poles.
  • Consumables – These are usually food, water, fuel, or whatever you consume as you travel.
  • Traditional Weight – Greater than 30 pound base weight, or 25 according to who you ask.
  • Light Weight – 10 – 20 pounds
  • Ultralight – Less than 10 pounds, although some say 12 pounds
  • Super Ultralight – Less than 5 pounds. This is heavier than my day pack. I think this is the weight of my purse.

I fall in the Light Weight group, but if conditions are right I’ll drop into the top of the Ultralight range. This means summer temperatures and plenty of water.

Continue reading Average Hiker's top pics for the Colorado Trail here.


December 3, 2023

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Average Hiker

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Backpacking has always been a part of my life and has contributed to the person I am today – independent, self-confident, self-sufficient, etc.

In the age of social media and over communication, I enjoy sharing the knowledge I have gained, but at my core, I’m still an introvert, most comfortable drawing my energy from the wilderness around me.

After 35 years, and over 20,000 miles of backpacking and hiking, I hope this site (always a work in progress) can offer some tips and insights about the hobby I love.

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For a bug repellent that’s safe and effective—and that won’t stink or leave a puddle of oil on your skin—skip the DEET and get a picaridin formula, like Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent.

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Weighing only two ounces and easily fitting into the palm of your hand, the SP120 MINI water filter is designed to be prepared for the unexpected.

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[Sawyer Picaridin] the best bottle of bug spray we found after testing over 25 repellents and talking to everyone from the EPA to the American Mosquito Control Association.

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