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Avoid These Errors To Ensure Enjoyable Excursions Outdoors.

Making critical mistakes at camp can turn your safe haven into a den of problems.

Camping or making camp in various environments is usually done for two main reasons: leisure time away from a normally hectic lifestyle or out of necessity when a survival situation dictates needing to leave your home and bug out for some time in nature’s backyard. Regardless of the scenario, your camping techniques and procedures don’t change to any significant degree.

You’ll need to set up at the best-suited location, gather firewood for your campfire, repel biting insects and curious wildlife, and be prepared for the changes in temperature and conditions that Mother Nature likes to throw into the mix without warning.

However, whether you’re an experienced camper or a novice just beginning to venture out into the wild outdoors, there are some common—and not-so-common—mistakes that can occur during your stay under the open sky.

Chalk it up to inexperience or lack of preparation by newbies, but even for the veterans of outdoor living, a true survival situation can rattle the hearts and bones of even the most prepared. In such cases, bushcraft basics and safety practices at camp might be overlooked. The results can run the gamut from mild inconveniences around camp to serious illness or injury and, possibly, death.

Here, I’ll lay out those problems, why they might occur and, most importantly, how to avoid them so your campsite will be secure and ready to do what it was intended to do: offer a safe refuge while in nature’s unpredictable backyard.

Find the complete article written by Michael D'Angona here.


December 3, 2023

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American Outdoor Guide

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